Welcome to the Watson Killiney Residents' Association
Welcome to Watson Killiney Residents Association website. It is designed to allow residents to keep up to date on current events within the estate and focuses on the all projects associated with the area.
Roadmap for Reopening Society & Business
COVID-19 Coronavirus HSE guidelines & information.
dlr COVID-19 Community Call teams are here to help. Freephone 1800 804 535 or 01 271 3199. Both lines open from 8am - 8pm. You can also email covidsupport@dlrcoco.ie
dlr Libraries are now delivering books to people who are cocooning at home. If you know someone who is cocooning please ask them to ring dlrcc on 1800 804 535 or 01 271 3199 and the library staff will organise a delivery.
Our Lady of Good Counsel, Johnstown Parish-Live Streaming
Daily Mass at 10am and Sunday at 11.30am.
Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, webcam
News Update
AGM & Annual Subscription 2020
We wish to advise residents that this year's AGM will take place in the carpark of Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Churchview Road at 15:30 on Saturday 13th June 2020.
The carpark will be closed to all cars.
The format for the AGM will be:
- • Review & Adoption of minutes for 2019
- • Chairperson & Treasurer Reports for 2019-2020
- • Consitution changes.
- • Election of new committee
- • AOB
New members are welcome and encouraged to join this committee to increase representation throughout the area. In particular, we would welcome residents from the following roads:
- Brackenbush Park
- Churchview Road
- Granville close
- Granville Road Nos (93-105a)
- Watson Park
- Watson Road
Annual Subscription €20
A notice of the AGM & the Annual Subscription has been delivered to all residents. Because of the restrictions residents can make this payment by:
(1) Electronic Transfer. Details are on AGM/Subscription Notice (yellow form).
- (2) Your subscription can also be returned to the Chairperson, Tresurer or Secretary. See details on AGM/Subscription Notice (yellow form).
- (3) For residents who do not wish to use the above methods, we will call to collect your subscription in the week commencing Monday 26th June 2020.
We would appreciate if you can use this method of payment to reduce the amount of social interaction between residents and our collectors.
Overview 2019-2020
Watson Killiney Residents Association’s (WKRA) aim is to promote the best interests of all residents in our area to help make our neighbourhood the best place to live.
The work by the Residents Association is done on a voluntary basis by 11 committee members with the assistance of a number of residents who are non-committee members.
The Committee meets once a month. However, the Officers and a number of sub groups within the main body of the association meet regularly throughout each month:
- • Chairperson, Secretary & Treasurer meetings.
- • Watson Traffic Action Committee: A Traffic sub committee
- • Tackle it Tuesdays
Projects 2019-2020
Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
Following on from the Irish Heart Foundation, Hands for Life-First Aid/CPR Training which took place in Johnstown Pastoral Centre in Sept 19.
Watson Killiney Residents Association held a Winter Social Evening in The Graduate, Killiney on 30th November 2019. We raised funds for the installation of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) in Killiney Shopping Centre area.
Thank you to all who joined us on this fun night and to the many residents who made donations. Thanks also to the many Local Businesses who donated gifts & spot prizes for this worthy cause.
WKRA, along with Ballybrack Shankill Community First Responders. are now in contact with Killiney Shopping Center management company to agree a location for this important piece of life-saving equipment.
In response to requests - locations of our nearest Automated External Defibrillator (AED).
The most recent installation is at Tesco Shopping Centre, Churchview Road, Ballybrack, A96 CD72.
See Locations for AED in Ballybrack/Shankill area.

Tidy Districts 2019
Watson Killiney have won runner up prize in the Tidy Districts 2019 under the category 500+ dwellings and over. As part of this project, the residents' committee planted 19 road name stones with perennial, sustainable, pollinators (Bee Friendly) plants on 21st May 19. The plants are now flourishing.
If you spot a plant at any of the road name stones that are in need of some TLC. Please contact a member of the committee.
Read the Judges comments and results here.
Residents are encouraged to keep the area in front of your home, tidy, litter free with the grass maintained.
A grateful BIG Thank You and well done to all who participate.