Other News
Serving the Community
The Insect Hotels are now in position on the green at Auburn Close, Churchview Park and Brackenbush Road. We are looking for other suitable locations on the open green areas within the estate. All suggestions welcome.
"An insect hotel is a structure created from natural materials to provide insects with nesting facilities - particularly during winter, offering shelter or refuge for many types of insects."
Three "Insect Hotels" on the shrub areas on the corners of Churchview Green.
Keep us updated on their progress.

A contractor who is employed by the Residents Association and paid with monies collected by the committee currently maintains the large grass margin areas that do not surround a green area. Approx. 30% of all collected subscription money is used for grass cutting on large grass margins, which are maintained by the Residents Association. Residents are also offered a service by the same contractor to cut their grass margins as a very reasonable cost if they are not in a position to cut and maintain it themselves. For details of this service please contact any committee member or send an email to Watson Killiney Residents Association

All bus shelters are graffiti free due to a good working relationship with Adshel. A member of the Residents Association Committee patrols the shelters and informs the maintenance company of any breakages or major graffiti attacks on the shelters. The Residents Association deals with minor graffiti attacks using the anti-graffiti kits supplied by Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council. The litter collection bins at each bus stop on Churchview Rd were re-painted by committee members.

Road sweeping is carried out from March to October each year or by special request to DLR Co Co Environment Section. Residents are reminded to remove all vehicles from the roads on these dates . Details of these dates are available on the Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Road Sweeping Schedule.

The Residents Association Website is constantly updated with Contact details, links to our page on Facebook Watson Killiney Residents Association Facebook Page. Residents are now offered the facility to receive the newsletter and other correspondence by e-mail. This will effectively change the way we operate as now all residents can be up to date at the touch of a button. Nominated residents keep the website, Facebook page updated.